The one thing that really bothers me is how some people can totally talk shit about these movies and they can't even make one. I can't make flash movies or games So I'm just happy to see them. I think all Flash Makers are awesome. And some more than others. I really think People need to cut these guys some slack. There was a lot of people who talked shit about this movie and they don't know how much work goes into this. Please people show more consideration for these hard working flash makers. Or Better yet If you don't like this movie Go and try to make a better one yourself and if you do then You have to the right to boast and tell someone they need to do better but Until then Be considerate and Give people the benefit of the doubt. Thanx. And I know no one gives a shit about what I just said, but that's ok I knew you wouldn't have anyhow. Well Good Job illwillpress. I really enjoyed your flash! Peace!